Extraordinary opportunity to own property on Mansion Road on Block Island! Located in very close proximity to Mansion Beach, this offering is one of a kind. 2 acres, surrounded by time-honored stone walls, cleared completely to expose the beauty of the land along with the abutting property looking out to the Atlantic Ocean. There is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath log cabin, a gardening shed and a 30 x 50 wood framed, metal sided garage/workshop/barn. Mansion Beach is the north end of Crescent Beach; sought after for swimming, surfing, surf casting, beach combing and enjoying a beautiful sun and moon rise. Property to the north and east is partially conserved assisting in the preservation of the character of this location. Mansion Beach will forever be enjoyed due to the town's ownership of Mansion Road and acreage offering access to the beach.
1705 Corn Neck Road, Block Island, RI. Asking $2,200,000. MLS #1313458
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For more information, please contact:
Gail Ballard Hall, Listing Agent
401-741 -7001 |gail@blockislandproperty.com
401-466-8883 | info@blockislandproperty.com